torture innocent person
Palatine police dirt 1 of 2 of 43
Palatine police officer Wenrich has no respect, allegiance and love for the United States of America. Why would you want Wenrich re certified as a police officer or any thing for that matter?
A veteran officer was forced to concede Palatine police were capable of getting an innocent man to confess - "Are you telling me that a perfectly innocent person in the custody of the Palatine Police Department can confess to a crime that he absolutely did not commit?" defense attorney Clarence Burch asked Palatine Sgt. Steve Bratcher on the stand. "Yes," Bratcher replied, sending a slight rumble through the courtroom gallery.
Wenrich told the trial court "I have no rights"
The appellate Court judges JJ, Tully, PJ, McNulty and O'Malley agreed with Scotillo and supreme court justice agreed with Wenrich, that "I have no rights"
If I don't have rights nor do you, unless your a member of the law, the way I see it.
And I guess this gives them all the right to lie, cheat and steal, when ever and how every they please.
I don't care who you are, I do not think it is a good thing.
email sent to Palatine and Inverness
I would like action taken on the following;
Not limited to; corruption, obstruction, perjury, aiding and abetting, accessory, conspiracy.
That involves Jim Tatooles and possibly his brother (John Tatooles) and the Inverness village board.
That involves, but not limited to; Judge Scotillo, defense lawyers 1 - 4, assistant states attorney Chandra, Andre. Palatine police officer Wenrich, Hunter, rookie on duty at the time of case number 04-c3-30337, and Baker, lets not forget Baker, shift commander, police chief, Palatine Mayor, and Village Board, 1 retired supreme court justice, and appellate judges jj, o'malley, tully, pj, mcnulty.
Just about every other person I came across is protecting Wenrich, the list is longer than you can shake a fist at, I know who they are. I Can go much further. See blogs.
The only thing I wanted was the truth told especially, in a court of law, No body I contacted seems interested or seems to care. I care about the truth.
I would suggest some one let scotillo know about this blog with his name on it (if he has not seen it already). He might be a little up set, at me....the only guy that did not lie to his face, in his court or the only guy that has balls to stand up for what his court room is suppose to represent and lacking there of.
Now you all can come and hunt me down.
What do u say to a dirty cop? get treatment for your substanc abuse, your under arrest or your fired?
Wenrich's actions, in my case, are not of a stable, safe Police officer of a sound state of mind.
All of Wenrich's arrest activities and conduct history, must be reviewed, at what point did he became unfit for duty.
Why wasn't Wenrich's mental stability, alcohol/drug abuse and behavior problems not detected before this point.
Wenrich’s ability to continue as a mentally unstable Palatine Police officer, suggests that elements of the Palatine Police department must be equally mentally unstable.
To say the least re: Participating arrest assist members, the shift commander and the police chief just to name a few.
Hunter was in the Police room with Wenrich. Hunter did not notice a thing? Hunter is covering up his brother or all testimony, arrest's past and present, will have to be examined - for his creditability is in major question.
So we just move up the latter as to who is, or who is not capable, creditable, worthy or their position.
In addition all members of the village council who have the ultimate over site to remove and correct these problems have chose to let these deficiency's continue. Which make them also unfit for public duty.